Little by Little

Now that we've gotten past the worst of the recovery process, each day feels like we're at a snail's pace. Last Monday was probably the worst day I had this week. Which is good. It was feeling like every other day was a good day then followed by a bad day.

Fortunately I haven't needed to take any pain medication in the middle of night anymore. Down to two doses a day, though I will take a third if needed. Mainly taking 1000 mg tylenol and 600mg advil to manage my pain. This was something recommended when I had my gum surgery last year. I still have a bottle of generic vicodin (hydrocodone and acetaminophen) for "breakthrough pain". I was prescribed 6 pills and only took one the first morning I got home.

Most days, I take one dose with breakfast and one with dinner. If needed with a mid day snack. Majority of the time, my right arm feels a sore. Sometimes if I move the wrong way, my right shoulder will hurt. Showering still takes a lot of effort and usually results with me sitting with an ice pack to deal with the pain. 

Some nights I sleep well. Other nights not so much. Often times I wake up around 4/5 am to use the bathroom. This is often when I would take a couple more advil if needed. Some times I can fall back asleep. Some times I end up staying awake for hours. If I'm able, eventually I'll fall sleep for a couple hours.

The brain fog is real. Words get lost even halfway through a sentence sometimes. I'll look at the pill bottles as I'm eating, can't remember if I took any or not.

At least I have the kitties keeping my company. Most of the times. Some times. You know how cats are.


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