Dodgers Caravan

I'll post later ... I still haven't posted about last year's! Here's some pictures for now.
Blake DeWitt signing a picture for Nina
It's of his first major league home run

DeWitt signing the same picture for me
But it's in my scrapbook

Steve Garvey signing Nina's ticket from 1981 World Series Game 4

Garvey signing a baseball card

Andre Ethier signing a picture for Nina
April 1st, 2008 game
It's of him, Matt Kemp, and Andruw Jones
Kemp and Ethier are both blowing bubbles

Ethier signing an 8x10 of a picture I already have signed
The first one was in blue (or black) ink, so it's not very visible
This time, he's signing in silver
After that, he put his fist up and gave me a first bump


Unknown said…
It was cool seeing you yesterday. I wasnt sure you would reconize me since we really just talked that one time waiting for Ethier, which unfortunatly I didnt get to stay b/c I had to get the the event at the stadium... but thanks so much for the picture. he is so adorable!!! but my Loney is the still the BEST! lol... well hope to see you again, yesterday was fun and not to crowded
ErikaEthier16 said…
This day was cool! See I finally made an account, now I can comment your blog. :) Thanks for the picture.
Unknown said…
I was in Colorado and Andre was signing, so i handed him a photo and he told me he don't sign photos. It's ok I still think he is cool.
Falling LEAVes said…
[I Love This Game]
Really? I've never had a problem with him signing any of my photos. He's always commented on them. Practically everything I have that's signed by him is a photo, except for my scrap book and some sun glasses
Unknown said…
He must have had a bad day.

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