
Showing posts from September, 2007

Like the Dodgers, bad start but it finished well (12 - 6)

To say the least, both the Dodgers and I got off to a bad start at the beginning. Who goes first? Me or the Dodgers? Well, the quicker one to tell will go first. Things looked very bad when the Dodgers trailed the Giants by 4 runs and it was only the second inning. Then things started looking better when the Dodgers offense got sparked, including a home run from yours truly, Russell Martin! He's just one shy of being the only other catcher besides Ivan Rodriguez to go 20 / 20. Things were looking up when we had the lead, but it didn't last long. The Giants tied it up in the next half inning and it remained tied well into the tenth inning. Russell got up to bat in the bottom of the ninth with the bases loaded. Here was his chance to make something happen. When nothing happened and he walked away with another strikeout, he struck the ground with his bat. It sounded like he might've cracked it. That's okay, because it made it easier for him to break his bat once he got int...

11 - 6

My internet has been down since Saturday and I am very grateful to have it back up. I went back the next morning to get my tickets taken care of. The guy changed my tickets from Wednesday's game to Thursday's. Unfortunately ... the Dodgers haven't won a game since ... well ... we got swept at home again. Let's just leave it at that. Here's the one memorable thing I got from tonight's game, besides my fleece blanket. Sherisse and I went to get food and it took about an inning and a half I think to get our food. We get back. I take a couple sips of my soda and set it down at by feet. Since we were in the first row (in the upper reserve level) we had no cup holders. This kid from three/four rows behind me decides to climb down to get out. I don't know why he decided to climb over the seat next to me when there was more people in my row then the row behind me. But when he stepped down on the seat, it came down on my leg, squeezing my knee in the tiny gap between...

Stupid ticket booth teller

How many of you have purchased your tickets at ticket box office at Dodger Stadium? How many of you have had problems purchasing tickets there? Because it seems like every time I purchase my tickets there, I have one problem after another. The first time, they sold me two tickets more than I needed. I didn't catch this till much later on when I was totaling the tickets and the prices and it didn't add up. Then when I realized they sold me two extra tickets, the numbers added up. Though I wasn't too happy about it. The next time, I was halfway to my car when I realized I was SHORT two tickets. Thankfully I didn't get too far and was able to run back to the window and retrieve the other two tickets. This last one however... I bought my tickets today for next Thursday's game. Just as I was getting ready for bed, I took the tickets out to look at them again. I had counted them at the window when the guy gave them to me to make sure he gave me the right number of ticke...

Parking at the mall...

Is really ridiculous became I'm a mall employee. Well, I work at a store in the mall which makes me a mall employee. Anyway, they sent out a notice to all the stores about the parking policy. There are two parking structures at the galleria. We, as mall employees, are required to park on the roof of both structures (one having three levels and the other having six levels). This includes our days off, when we are not working at the mall. I don't like this rule at all because when I go to the mall and shop, I am a patron. Not an employee. And I do not like parking my car on the roof level on a hot day. Even better ... what about when I want to go out with my friends to the In and Out that is by the six-level parking ... after mall hours? The mall closes at nine except for Sunday, when it closes at seven. HOWEVER, In and Out doesn't close till like one in the morning. What if I wanted to go to In and Out after ten or eleven? Am I required to park on the freaking sixth level th...

Annoying cashier at Office Depot

So, on Tuesday, after I got off work, I drove down to Office Depot because it's only a block away from work. I went to go see if they carried the disposable fountain pens that I told Daniel about. They did. But they didn't have any out. To not waste my trip, I walked around and around. And I ran into Jack and Sol. Funny. I ran into them last week at Wal-Mart, too. Anyway, I ended up finding a all-in-one printer that was on sale. My printer hasn't been working for over a month and I've been wanting to print stuff out. Since this one was on sale, I decided to go for it. My wallet may be hurting later (it was on sale for 39.99). I get to the cashier to pay and pick up the printer. The lady tells me that I will need a USB cord for my printer. I told her I had one at home. She said, the one I have at home might not be the same one. She gets a cord for me. I look at it. I tell her I think it's the same one I have at home. She tells me to buy the cord because I will need i...

Airports and customers drive me crazy

Last week, I went to Burbank airport to pick up Gail. It's a small airport, so I made my first round and didn't see her. I got back in line to go around again. This time, Daniel told me she was sitting on a bench in front. I stopped in front of Southwest and looked for her. The traffic guy kept blowing his whistle and motioning for me to move on. I finally moved on when the P.A. made an announcement that there was no waiting allowed at the white curb, only immediate pickup. Mind you... it takes about ten to fifteen minutes to make these rounds. And it's after ten on Saturday and I just got off work. So, I make another round. This time I spot Gail, honk to get her attention, and move over to find somewhere to stop. Unfortunately, it was almost the same spot I was at before. And quite a distance away from Gail, who has been having trouble with her back lately. So, I wait for her and the same traffic guy whistles and motions. He starts walking towards my car. Gail sees him, he...

From "Feels like Home"

If you knew how lonely my life has been, And how low I've felt so long. If you knew how I wanted someone to come along, And change my life the way you've done. CHORUS: Feels like home to me, feels like home to me, Feels like I'm on my way back where I come from. Feels like home to me, feels like home to me, Feels like I'm on my way back where I belong.

Kids and races

Why do people look at me and assume different things? Yesterday at work, this guy was there with his wife, two kids, and either his mother or mother-in-law. His two girls were a newborn (relatively new anyway) and the other girl was somewhere between two and three would be my guess. Anyway, I talked to the little girl because little kids are fun to talk to. Especially when they have a baby brother or sister along. The dad asked me if I had any kids. What is with this assumption that I have kids? Do I look like I'm the kind of person to have a gaggle of children waiting for me at home? It's funny because when I'm with Nina, Harold, or Kevin ... someone assumes that they're my kids. It's interesting since there's a six to ten year age gap there. And I have mentioned this a few times, that customers are always asking me if I'm filipina. A couple weeks ago, Angelina, Timmy, Daniel, and others were watching "24". I wasn't there, so I don't know ...

No offense...

Okay, I'm not just talking about the lack of the Dodgers' offense. This is just something that's been stewing around in my head. How many times have you said something and then followed it immediately with "no offense" hoping whatever you said didn't offend anyone in present company? And how many times does what was said actually hurt someone in present company? Does saying "no offense" will soften the insult? Does it soften the hurt? Personally speaking, it doesn't. I have been present when someone said something directed to me that was hurtful and added "no offense" at the end, thinking to avoid insulting me. But it did hurt. I didn't like be insulted, even though that person added "no offense" at the end. So, maybe instead of tacking on "no offense" after something that is possible hurtful or offensive is said, we ought to be more careful about what we say. Or ... instead of taking "no offense" as an...