Monday, March 09, 2009

I didn't drop off a cliff

Or anything like that. Has it already been over a month since my last post? I had intended to post while I was in Richmond (California) but didn't get around to it. Long story short, my trip was extended an extra day when raging storms dumped snow on the Grapevine, shutting it down for a few hours. We decided to stay rather than to drive down and see if it was going to be open by the time we got there. Then the day after I got home, I broke out into hives (!!!) ... most likely from my friend's dad putting a ton of chlorine in the hot tub.

Opening Day is coming up. April 6. And do you know where I'll be? Sitting in section 129, Row 20 at Petco Park, to see my Dodgers facing the Padres. I figured, since I had pre-sale privileges, might as well use them. And since Opening Day tickets are actually available, I had better luck buying opening day tickets at Petco Park than I did at Dodger Stadium. Which, was true. I am so excited. Now I'm even more excited ... because I will be wearing my brand new Russell Martin jersey for the very first time at Opening Day!!! My cousin (Michael) wanted to surprise me with it. But then he had to come ask me, what size did I wear... and well... that ruined the surprise. Now I can't wait for it to arrive!!!!


Cat said...

Linda, does your jersey say J Martin?

Falling LEAVes said...

unfortunately, no. But hey, it's a gift, so I'm not going to spell check it.

Falling LEAVes said...

hey Cat, did you ever get my e-mail address? It's, if you didn't. Let me know when you get this down so I can take it off the world wide web ;-)

Unknown said...

awww cool!!! I might be in SD for Fourth of July weekend.. nice to see u have a Martin jersey now!