Friday, December 23, 2005

Bebo Update

On Friday, the 16th, I went to get my drink. I started my sentence ("regular") and he finished it ("blended white mocha). He bragged to his coworker that he was "psychic." It was very cute and very funny.

So, today, he was there and started waving when he saw me. When I approached the counter, he asked, "the usual?" Hehe... little did he know that the previous days I hadn't been ordering my usual. Since I didn't want to retrain him, I said, yes. After all, it took me this long to get him trained to what my "usual" drink is. Now that he's properly trained, I don't want to confuse him! It was very cute. While he was making my drink, a line appeared that wasn't there before. He called out to his other workers: "Martha? Jimmy? Help!" Very cute.

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