
Showing posts from June, 2007

Old classmates

The other day I was driving to pick up my mom, and I happened to notice these two guys on the street. It was two of my former classmates, way back from middle and high school. They were in front of the one of the guys house. In fact, one of them used to go to Sunday School with me. I hadn't seen them in years. Then, when I did pick up my mom, she wanted to take my cousin Joanne out to eat. We went to this Pho restaurant. I noticed this guy sat down a few tables away and thought he looked familiar. He must've been thinking the same thing because he looked at me, and then waved. Well, I guess he and his mom had to move to a different table. As he walked by me, he bent down and gave me a hug and a pat on my back. This guy ... I think we had kindergarten, preschool, and first grade together. I think we also ended up at the same middle and high school. But, he wasn't someone I really knew or talked to. Just another classmate. I remembered his first name and by the time I got hom...

I'm still alive

Okay, so it's almost been a week since my last post. I'm still alive. My boss schedule me to work for eight consecutive days. Since they aren't in one week, it's okay, I guess. But that doesn't leave me much energy or time to make space and get to my computer to blog. On top of that, since my cousin is here, she's been in my room. I've been sleeping (okay, trying to sleep) on the floor in my brother's room. I finally found some time to go to Target and purchase an inflatable bed. LOVING it. It's even better than my bed. My bed is hard as the floor. Sweet. Anyway, I'm gonna get off and go play some MLB the Show!!!!


RUSSELL NATHAN JEANSON COLTRANE MARTIN was featured on today's Extra!!! I've been looking for this all week. I heard about it earlier that he was going to be featured as one of America's most eligible bachelors. Hmm how does that work? Since he's Canadian? The funniest thing happened over the weekend. My friend saw a video I posted on my Bebo where Russell was chatting with some fans. My friend left me a comment about Russell speaking Canadian. I played along for a while, teasing him about learning how to speak Canadian and stuff. I finally told him that you can't learn how to speak Canadian in Canada. He goes, "how do you know? You don't know what Canadian sounds like." BTW, it was French that Russell was speaking.

Headaches galore

Okay, I had several things I wanted to blog about. Where do I start. My cousin flew into LA last night from Asheville. She's in town till August 1st. She called me a little after 1 PM (PST) saying her flight in Asheville was delayed. This was around the time she was supposed to be getting on her flight in Atlanta to LA. Her flight was supposed to arrive at six. It didn't get in till 9:30. And I didn't have her new flight number, so I had no clue what time she was coming in. Headache begins. We call Delta and are on hold forever. I finally get the info. Before I can even get to LAX, my mom calls me and asks me to drop my uncle off in Chinatown. I've been to Chinatown a million times, but I never know where the 100 southbound onramp is. Well, fortunately, where I dropped my uncle off was on a street that came down from Dodger Stadium. And I knew there was an onramp there. The headache just escalates from there. I get to LAX just as she landed. When I get to baggage claim,...

Class final, mini-golf, and MLB 2k7

Started off with the usual Saturday routine ... me running late to my library class. I don't remember if I have ever been on time to my Saturday class. Thankfully, this is the final class of the semester. Meaning, I had to take my final. There were three parts to it. The first part was questions where I had to write in the answer. I should get all (if not, almost all) of those questions right. The second part was where I had to catalog a book. Not sure if I did everything right. The third part was a questionnaire about the class. Overall, it took me about an hour and a half to get it done. It was actually done in about an hour, but I was stalling for time and making sure I got everything right. After that, I went to the 99 cent store to kill some time. The KFWB blue crew was supposed to be at the Jiffy Lube across the street from PCC from noon to one. I wanted to check it out, see if maybe I could score some tickets. Well, I ended up buying a ton of Dodger stuff from the 99 cent st...

Day Two - Please. No physical contact with associates.

One day down, many more to go. We opened the store at eight and didn't have a soul in there for a while. Long enough for me to realize, I forgot to change my shoes when we opened the store. Twenty minutes after we opened, I was still wearing my flip flops. My boss was probably too tired to notice. I know I certainly was too tired to realize it. After all, I did get up at six to get showered, go to Coffee bean (joseph wasn't working this morning, rats), and go to McDonald's to get breakfast. Had twenty minutes to kill. So, I ate my hot cakes and felt sick afterwards. Too sweet, too early in the morning. Ick. Oh yeah, I don't know what, but the truck in front of me in the drive thru line peeled off. Hmm wonder why. Back to work. Things didn't get too crazy till after ten. Then things just picked up and didn't slow down. It didn't feel as crazy as yesterday. Or maybe we had a better handle on things. I don't know. Let's see. What sticks to my mind from ...

Somebody shoot me

Oh boy. I can't wait for our sale to end. And it hasn't even officially started! Today was the preview day of sale for charge card members. And of course, the public could still shop. So, technically, you could say the sale started today, though the official date is tomorrow. Well, this morning I had a couple things to do before I went to work. It was 1) go to bank and deposit money and 2) get food. Well, I decided to go to the back in Glendale, get a sandwich at Whole Foods, and while I was there, go to Coffee Bean and get a blended drink. First of all, when I got to the bank, I discovered my debit card wasn't back in my wallet yet. Great. It's probably still in my jeans pocket. I don't know where it is. Somewhere at home. No checkbook. No account numbers. It's okay, because I managed to get my deposit in anyway. I get my sandwich. YUM! I tried out a new spread instead of my regular mayo. Great stuff. Love it. I only ate half my sandwich on my dinner break (whi...

8 - 1

Yup, another Dodger game. This one was sort of unexpected. It was unexpected that we were going and the outcome of the game was quite unexpected, too. First off, Kevin mentioned a pair of tickets he was bidding on Ebay for today's game. He didn't say if he got them yet by the time I went to bed. When I got up for work, I texted him to see if he won or not. I found out during my break that he was. Okay, problem. The gate opens ten minutes after I get off. That gives me an hour or so to get home, get changed, get food, get cash, and of course, get Kevin. Given, LA traffic, that should take about an hour. Well, I got off, got Kevin, got cash, went home, dealt with thorn in my side sister, changed, and went to the game. We got there and the Mets were still having batting practice. I even got to see Davy! Well, as for the food part, I got garlic fries. I didn't like them as much as Sherisse does. The fries are very crunchy and drenched in garlic. Well, personally, I like my frie...

7 - 1

Sept 2 - Won 15 - 4 *James Loney hit his first Major League Home Run in his first Major League At-Bat April 11 - Won 3 - 0 *Russell and Juan pulled off a double steal April 24 - Lost 3 - 5 May 1 - Won 2 - 1 May 2 - Won 2 - 1 May 12 - Won 7 - 3 *Russell stole his sixth base, Joe Beimel threw Kevin a ball during batting pratice May 15 - Won 9 - 7 June 11 - Won 5 - 3 *Russell stole his eleventh base, Loney hit his first major league triple My record still stands! The Dodgers have only lost one game when I was in attendance. Tonite, we sat in the all you can eat section. Kevin, Daniel, and I got there early for batting practice. Since I hadn't eaten all day, I scarfed down three dogs before batting practice even ended. I had one later in the game, and half of one before the night was over. Daniel had about five or six. Kevin had four. I think. Sherisse has four and a half. Man. I don't think I'll have having another hot dog for awhile. Again, things got rowdy in our section bec...

Don't know what to say ...

Thankfully the person who I don't know what to say to doesn't really read this blog. I thought about putting it on the other blog that the person sees, but I don't even know if that person sees that or reads that one either. I contemplated writing about this on and off this week. It's quite personal, and I don't always divulge such personal things online. I usually save those topics for my journal. Sadly, my journal is out of commission right now. I need to go buy another one. Actually, I have plenty of journals. They just don't meet the size requirement. Or maybe it's time I break away from that. Do I really have to be that strict about what size journal I use? I am quite frustrated. With life. With people. With friends. Mainly, with myself. The topic I started this blog entry about ... it applies to several people in my lives, but one person really had me thinking about this. It's starts with a person (in my case, a guy or several guys) who say they wa...

Can things get any more interesting at work?

This one I just had to put up on here. This lady walks in and I greet her with the usual: good afternoon, how are you, how can I help you? She says she has a return to make. She makes a comment that she has never been to our store location before. I ask her, which location does she usually go to? Her response shocked me. She said, "The store from hell" (I hope using that word in that term is appropriate, so please don't throw rocks at me!). That's what she said. Verbatim. It took a little nudging to get her to tell me what store she was talking about. She said the item she was returning was not what she wanted, the wrong size, and so forth. She goes on and on about how horrible the other store is. By the way, she did say which store it was. I wasn't too surprised because I do get complaints from other customers about that store. WHICH by the way it is all a matter of opinion. Some people prefer our store to theirs and vice versa. Some think our store is better and...

From the L.A. Times today

Young go through a shaky but scoreless seventh in which the Dodgers had two hits and one weary base runner. Martin drilled a lead off single and tried to steal second on at least three occasions but was thwarted by a fly ball and a pair of foul tips. Martin tried to go to third on Tony Abreu's one-out single to right, but he slipped and was eventually tagged out in a rundown. "I was going hard and my legs were getting a little heavy right there and I couldn't keep my legs underneath me," Martin said. "I'm sure running to second base 18 times didn't help." Los Angeles Times Ben Bolch June 6th, 2007

Interesting thing happened at work today

Okay, so I know I blog more about the Dodgers than I do about work. But this ... this had to make it into my blog. This morning, this group came it. It was a lady, her daughter, and her grandchildren (her daughter's kids, duh). Well, the granddaughter was about three and the grandson had to be a newborn. They came in and looked at a dress. The mother talked to her daughter in their language, which happened to be the same as mine. Well, of course I understand everything they're saying. They were talking about the dress. The daughter has the baby and goes a little further into the store. The grand daughter stays with grandma, who isn't really watching her because the grand daughter goes into our window display and comes out on the other end. This is a big no-no because we have nice heavy mannequins that can fall and squish little kids like her. She had to be no older than three. Didn't speak much. Well, of course, I had to go over to the little girl and tell her she could...

Anyone free on Monday night

Today, I drove over to Dodger Stadium to buy the tickets for next Monday's game against the Mets. It's cheaper this way because then you don't have to pay the convenience charge or any additional charges. And, you get actual tickets instead of printing them out. I told the lady "nine tickets" for June 11, and Kevin and I were going to buy 2 tickets for June 12. We changed our mind about the 12th. And somehow we ended up with "ELEVEN" tickets for the 11th. Great. Now what am I going to do? Unfortunately, we didn't realize this till we were well on our way to Eagle Rock and it was too late. Anyone want to go to a Dodger game for 25 bucks? It's all you can eat (hot dogs, nachos, peanuts, popcorn, and soda). Sadly, the Dodgers lost today, 0 - 1. The highlight of the game? Russell stole second in the second inning. Well, later on in the game, he was on first base (I forgot which inning ... sixth? seventh?). On a pop fly by Andre (I think), he was roun...

All Star Voting

The results are in for this week ... Russell Martin and Nomar Garciaparra have moved up a spot, from fourth to third! For Russell, we need less an 100 thousand votes to catch up, and even more than that to beat out LoDuca! Come on guys! We can do it! If we can cut down the difference by 50 thousand votes each week, we can catch up. Hehe. Russell hit another home run today! That's his fourth home run within this last week. He hit on for three consecutive games last week! On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! Then he got Saturday off, got to pinch-hit, and that was it. No more home run streak. It's okay, Russell... you can do it again! See guys! He needs to be on the All-Star team this year. So get out there and vote! I have. I've maxed out four e-mail addresses already. That's a hundred votes folks. If I can do it, so can you! VOTE FOR RUSSELL MARTIN!!! LOS ANGELES DODGERS CATCHER

Don't freak out ...

... but my dad is talking about moving to North Carolina. Again. He does this once in a while. Right now, he says it's because of his health and he's not getting much work here. If we moved to NC, pretty much we'd all be working in the family restaurant. Wonder if I can transfer to the store there ... I'm kinda torn in between wanting to move there, and wanting to stay here in LA. Mostly, I don't want to move. There isn't an AF church where my family lives. Plenty of every kind of Baptist and every other church there. There's even a Mormon one. LOL. All I've got there is family. Everything else I have is here. If we were to move there, it would be like starting all over. Another downside ... no more Dodger games. No more Dodger dogs. And fat chance my dad will let me to see the Dodgers play in Atlanta against the Braves, or in Washington DC against the Nationals. There's always the Florida Marlins or even better ... the New York Mets. Man I don't...

I want to know...

... who has my cell phone? Tonight, we went to Rally's and as we were leaving, Sherisse goes: Linda, why did you text me "do you know who this is?" I told her, I didn't. She said, yes I did. At 11:16. Then at 11:25, I called her. I said, no I did not. because I was sitting across from her at those times. We get in the car and I look in my purse for my phone. Not there. My phone is missing. MY PHONE IS MISSING. Obviously, someone has my phone because they texted Sherisse and tried to call her. Whoever it is, they turned it off because when she called my phone, it went straight to voice mail. It would be nice if I had my cell phone. Guess what then? Until I get it back, I will be unreachable. Ha ha ha.