Anyone free on Monday night
Today, I drove over to Dodger Stadium to buy the tickets for next Monday's game against the Mets. It's cheaper this way because then you don't have to pay the convenience charge or any additional charges. And, you get actual tickets instead of printing them out. I told the lady "nine tickets" for June 11, and Kevin and I were going to buy 2 tickets for June 12. We changed our mind about the 12th. And somehow we ended up with "ELEVEN" tickets for the 11th. Great. Now what am I going to do? Unfortunately, we didn't realize this till we were well on our way to Eagle Rock and it was too late. Anyone want to go to a Dodger game for 25 bucks? It's all you can eat (hot dogs, nachos, peanuts, popcorn, and soda).
Sadly, the Dodgers lost today, 0 - 1. The highlight of the game? Russell stole second in the second inning. Well, later on in the game, he was on first base (I forgot which inning ... sixth? seventh?). On a pop fly by Andre (I think), he was rounding second and I think he fell and had to run back to first. Well, when he fell, HE TORE HIS PANTS. On the left leg! Nice trap door, Russell! Vin Scully got a good laugh out of that one for awhile. Poor Russell. They had him going back and forth from first and second. He made it to second on a pitch that looked like a wild pitch, but they ruled it a foul ball. There were several tosses to first to keep him there. Finally, he was rounding second on a hit by Abreu (I think) and he thought about going to third. Well, he tripped and fell and got caught in a run down. Perhaps if he wasn't so worn down by all the running back to first base he did earlier he might've been okay. Man. I think on the pop fly by Ethier, he had to hustle back to first. Poor Russell. Well, at least the hole this time was bigger than the hole he had last week! Hmm how many tears and holes do the players get in their clothes? I wonder ... LOL I told Nina, I wonder what kind of view were the people sitting behind home plate were getting...
So, anyone free on Monday night?
Sadly, the Dodgers lost today, 0 - 1. The highlight of the game? Russell stole second in the second inning. Well, later on in the game, he was on first base (I forgot which inning ... sixth? seventh?). On a pop fly by Andre (I think), he was rounding second and I think he fell and had to run back to first. Well, when he fell, HE TORE HIS PANTS. On the left leg! Nice trap door, Russell! Vin Scully got a good laugh out of that one for awhile. Poor Russell. They had him going back and forth from first and second. He made it to second on a pitch that looked like a wild pitch, but they ruled it a foul ball. There were several tosses to first to keep him there. Finally, he was rounding second on a hit by Abreu (I think) and he thought about going to third. Well, he tripped and fell and got caught in a run down. Perhaps if he wasn't so worn down by all the running back to first base he did earlier he might've been okay. Man. I think on the pop fly by Ethier, he had to hustle back to first. Poor Russell. Well, at least the hole this time was bigger than the hole he had last week! Hmm how many tears and holes do the players get in their clothes? I wonder ... LOL I told Nina, I wonder what kind of view were the people sitting behind home plate were getting...
So, anyone free on Monday night?