I want to know...

... who has my cell phone?

Tonight, we went to Rally's and as we were leaving, Sherisse goes: Linda, why did you text me "do you know who this is?" I told her, I didn't. She said, yes I did. At 11:16. Then at 11:25, I called her. I said, no I did not. because I was sitting across from her at those times. We get in the car and I look in my purse for my phone. Not there. My phone is missing. MY PHONE IS MISSING. Obviously, someone has my phone because they texted Sherisse and tried to call her. Whoever it is, they turned it off because when she called my phone, it went straight to voice mail.

It would be nice if I had my cell phone. Guess what then? Until I get it back, I will be unreachable. Ha ha ha.


Stacy said…
Uh oh...so the question is, as of Monday morning has the missing cell phone been found? That really stinks...
Falling LEAVes said…
actually, yes it has been found. Kevin had it. I got it back on Saturday

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