7 - 1
Sept 2 - Won 15 - 4 *James Loney hit his first Major League Home Run in his first Major League At-Bat
April 11 - Won 3 - 0 *Russell and Juan pulled off a double steal
April 24 - Lost 3 - 5
May 1 - Won 2 - 1
May 2 - Won 2 - 1
May 12 - Won 7 - 3 *Russell stole his sixth base, Joe Beimel threw Kevin a ball during batting pratice
May 15 - Won 9 - 7
June 11 - Won 5 - 3 *Russell stole his eleventh base, Loney hit his first major league triple
My record still stands! The Dodgers have only lost one game when I was in attendance. Tonite, we sat in the all you can eat section. Kevin, Daniel, and I got there early for batting practice. Since I hadn't eaten all day, I scarfed down three dogs before batting practice even ended. I had one later in the game, and half of one before the night was over. Daniel had about five or six. Kevin had four. I think. Sherisse has four and a half. Man. I don't think I'll have having another hot dog for awhile. Again, things got rowdy in our section because there were two Mets fans in the front row, one section over. It got to the point where people were throwing peanuts and stuff at them. A girl sitting by them got up and was like, "hey what are you doing that for? I'm just trying to enjoy the game." Anyway, security came and broke it up. They kicked out some of the instigators and questioned the Mets' fans. It just shows you what bad sportsmanship there are in the fans out there. Normally my throat starts to hurt in the seventh inning from all the yelling and cheering. Tonight, it started to hurt by the top of the fifth. Great game, terrible fans.
BTW RUSSELL IS NOW FIRST IN THE THE NATIONAL LEAGUE ALL-STAR VOTING FOR CATCHER!!! WHOO!!! Sure, I maxed out like five e-mail addresses voting for him. And my car is a running campaign. Still. HE'S FINALLY FIRST. He's only ahead by about 15000 votes. So, don't stop voting guys! We need to keep him way ahead of LoDuca! I didn't even know Russell was ahead till Sherisse told me. I haven't had a chance to check my computer this afternoon. It's okay, because they put it up on the Jumbo Screen anyway. Go Russell! There were "Vote For Russell" stuff everywhere at Dodger Stadium. The employees had a sticker (the same logo I borrowed), and it was on the screen and stuff. GO RUSSELL!! Okay guys, now that we've got him in first place. Let's keep him there.
Okay, I gave in and went to Borders and purchased a new journal. I usually go to their bargain section and buy the one they have there because they're hard-bound and 8 x 11. Well, the had two kinds. A huge one and a small one. The huge one was twice as big as the one I normally buy, and the small one is half as small as the one I normally buy. But they're still 8 x 11. Just not as many pages. So, I got the last two they had, purple and green. That way, when I finish the purple one, I can use my spiral, then the green, then spiral. And in the mean time, I can keep an eye out for my journals so I can stock up on those. One of these days, I will have to put them in a box and burn them.
April 11 - Won 3 - 0 *Russell and Juan pulled off a double steal
April 24 - Lost 3 - 5
May 1 - Won 2 - 1
May 2 - Won 2 - 1
May 12 - Won 7 - 3 *Russell stole his sixth base, Joe Beimel threw Kevin a ball during batting pratice
May 15 - Won 9 - 7
June 11 - Won 5 - 3 *Russell stole his eleventh base, Loney hit his first major league triple
My record still stands! The Dodgers have only lost one game when I was in attendance. Tonite, we sat in the all you can eat section. Kevin, Daniel, and I got there early for batting practice. Since I hadn't eaten all day, I scarfed down three dogs before batting practice even ended. I had one later in the game, and half of one before the night was over. Daniel had about five or six. Kevin had four. I think. Sherisse has four and a half. Man. I don't think I'll have having another hot dog for awhile. Again, things got rowdy in our section because there were two Mets fans in the front row, one section over. It got to the point where people were throwing peanuts and stuff at them. A girl sitting by them got up and was like, "hey what are you doing that for? I'm just trying to enjoy the game." Anyway, security came and broke it up. They kicked out some of the instigators and questioned the Mets' fans. It just shows you what bad sportsmanship there are in the fans out there. Normally my throat starts to hurt in the seventh inning from all the yelling and cheering. Tonight, it started to hurt by the top of the fifth. Great game, terrible fans.
BTW RUSSELL IS NOW FIRST IN THE THE NATIONAL LEAGUE ALL-STAR VOTING FOR CATCHER!!! WHOO!!! Sure, I maxed out like five e-mail addresses voting for him. And my car is a running campaign. Still. HE'S FINALLY FIRST. He's only ahead by about 15000 votes. So, don't stop voting guys! We need to keep him way ahead of LoDuca! I didn't even know Russell was ahead till Sherisse told me. I haven't had a chance to check my computer this afternoon. It's okay, because they put it up on the Jumbo Screen anyway. Go Russell! There were "Vote For Russell" stuff everywhere at Dodger Stadium. The employees had a sticker (the same logo I borrowed), and it was on the screen and stuff. GO RUSSELL!! Okay guys, now that we've got him in first place. Let's keep him there.
Okay, I gave in and went to Borders and purchased a new journal. I usually go to their bargain section and buy the one they have there because they're hard-bound and 8 x 11. Well, the had two kinds. A huge one and a small one. The huge one was twice as big as the one I normally buy, and the small one is half as small as the one I normally buy. But they're still 8 x 11. Just not as many pages. So, I got the last two they had, purple and green. That way, when I finish the purple one, I can use my spiral, then the green, then spiral. And in the mean time, I can keep an eye out for my journals so I can stock up on those. One of these days, I will have to put them in a box and burn them.