Guess I've been gone too long
Boy ... I guess three days in the blog world does seem like an eternity. Well, according to "The Cubicle Next Door." Cute book. According to someone *cough* Stacy *cough*, I haven't blogged since Sunday.
Let's see... whoops... getting distracted ...
Awww ... Russell is so cute when he talks about his dad. And his dad ... awww ... he gets so emotional when he talks about Russell. Makes me wish our TV/Dish was hooked up the VCR. I could've recorded it! What am I rambling about now? Since we upgraded our Dish to include Prime and FSN, I get Dodgers almost all the time now! Well, other than getting Dodger games and replays of said games, they also have Dodger Insider, and "Before the Bigs." Actually, "Before the Bigs" involves the other sports as well. Like yesterday, they had an episode with LUKE WALTON! Well, I looked ahead and saw that this morning, guess what? RUSSELL's was on at 12:30. So, I got up at noon. Couldn't sleep in any longer. The Dodgers Insider was on, and it was about their Dodger camp in the Dominican Republic. Well, while that was on, I ran out and got food for my brother and me. By the time I got back, Russell was just about to start. So, I sat there with my camera and videoed the whole thing. Well, I didn't do the whole thing. I missed a minute or couple seconds here and there to change my memory card. One card could only hold five minutes and the other ten. Turns out, the thing only went like five minutes at a time. So, while I was taping on one, the other was uploading so I could change it out. Hopefully I can catch it again and do a better job.
Okay... now that I'm done being distracted by Russell ... what was I saying...?
Monday ... work. Went to Nina's, picked her, Kevin, and Harold up. We went to Costco to take a look at their deal they have. Two field box tickets for $54 (plus vouchers for a Dodger program). Not bad. Considering they're normally like $40. Then, we went to Target so I could pick up some stuff for work. Then we were on our own time. Went to Sports Authority and then back to Nina's after stopping for some food.
Tuesday ... had the day off. Which was good, cause we went back to Costco to buy those ticket vouchers. Except, it was just me and Kevin. I left the house around 1:15. When I got on the freeway, I noticed some smoke coming from the hills to my left up ahead. I figured, "great, another wildfire." We just had one last month in the Hollywood Hills by the Hollywood sign. When I got close to Nina's, the little puffs of smoke were getting heavier and becoming bigger clouds of smoke. Got Kevin, then headed to Glendale. As we were going down the 134 freeway, you could actually see the flames at the top of the hill. By 2:00, the smoke was much heavier now. We went to the Glendale Galleria to drop of the supplies at work. I got a smoothie and stopped to talk to my friend at Sweet Factory. By 2:30, the fire swept down the hill! The rest is history. And naturally, recorded in photos! I took photos throughout the day and night. Oh yeah ... Kevin and I bought the vouchers and then headed to Dodger Stadium to trade them in for our tickets. We hit the freeway and it was clear sailing until Colorado Blvd. Then it was jammed. We got off, took San Fernando to Glendale back to Riverside Dr. We saw the freeway and it was clear sailing on the southbound side we had just gotten off of, but the northbound side was jammed. They had closed the Los Feliz and Griffith Park exits. The 134 was affected because they also closed the Zoo Dr. offramps.
Wednesday ... work. Well... you already heard about my morning with Russell. I got home in time to watch the last out of the ninth inning (replay). And the game started over after Lost was done. But my dad came home and I only got to watch 2/3s of the first inning. Just enough to see Russell score because the bases were loaded and LaRoche got walked, sending Russell home.
The pictures are here at my flickr:
Getting a little off ... anyone catch the new look of the New York Mets? :-D Also, some of the players will be sporting pink bats for Mother's Day for breast cancer awareness. I think that'll be cute, and cool. Pink bats, huh?
Let's see... whoops... getting distracted ...
Awww ... Russell is so cute when he talks about his dad. And his dad ... awww ... he gets so emotional when he talks about Russell. Makes me wish our TV/Dish was hooked up the VCR. I could've recorded it! What am I rambling about now? Since we upgraded our Dish to include Prime and FSN, I get Dodgers almost all the time now! Well, other than getting Dodger games and replays of said games, they also have Dodger Insider, and "Before the Bigs." Actually, "Before the Bigs" involves the other sports as well. Like yesterday, they had an episode with LUKE WALTON! Well, I looked ahead and saw that this morning, guess what? RUSSELL's was on at 12:30. So, I got up at noon. Couldn't sleep in any longer. The Dodgers Insider was on, and it was about their Dodger camp in the Dominican Republic. Well, while that was on, I ran out and got food for my brother and me. By the time I got back, Russell was just about to start. So, I sat there with my camera and videoed the whole thing. Well, I didn't do the whole thing. I missed a minute or couple seconds here and there to change my memory card. One card could only hold five minutes and the other ten. Turns out, the thing only went like five minutes at a time. So, while I was taping on one, the other was uploading so I could change it out. Hopefully I can catch it again and do a better job.
Okay... now that I'm done being distracted by Russell ... what was I saying...?
Monday ... work. Went to Nina's, picked her, Kevin, and Harold up. We went to Costco to take a look at their deal they have. Two field box tickets for $54 (plus vouchers for a Dodger program). Not bad. Considering they're normally like $40. Then, we went to Target so I could pick up some stuff for work. Then we were on our own time. Went to Sports Authority and then back to Nina's after stopping for some food.
Tuesday ... had the day off. Which was good, cause we went back to Costco to buy those ticket vouchers. Except, it was just me and Kevin. I left the house around 1:15. When I got on the freeway, I noticed some smoke coming from the hills to my left up ahead. I figured, "great, another wildfire." We just had one last month in the Hollywood Hills by the Hollywood sign. When I got close to Nina's, the little puffs of smoke were getting heavier and becoming bigger clouds of smoke. Got Kevin, then headed to Glendale. As we were going down the 134 freeway, you could actually see the flames at the top of the hill. By 2:00, the smoke was much heavier now. We went to the Glendale Galleria to drop of the supplies at work. I got a smoothie and stopped to talk to my friend at Sweet Factory. By 2:30, the fire swept down the hill! The rest is history. And naturally, recorded in photos! I took photos throughout the day and night. Oh yeah ... Kevin and I bought the vouchers and then headed to Dodger Stadium to trade them in for our tickets. We hit the freeway and it was clear sailing until Colorado Blvd. Then it was jammed. We got off, took San Fernando to Glendale back to Riverside Dr. We saw the freeway and it was clear sailing on the southbound side we had just gotten off of, but the northbound side was jammed. They had closed the Los Feliz and Griffith Park exits. The 134 was affected because they also closed the Zoo Dr. offramps.
Wednesday ... work. Well... you already heard about my morning with Russell. I got home in time to watch the last out of the ninth inning (replay). And the game started over after Lost was done. But my dad came home and I only got to watch 2/3s of the first inning. Just enough to see Russell score because the bases were loaded and LaRoche got walked, sending Russell home.
The pictures are here at my flickr:
Getting a little off ... anyone catch the new look of the New York Mets? :-D Also, some of the players will be sporting pink bats for Mother's Day for breast cancer awareness. I think that'll be cute, and cool. Pink bats, huh?