Friday, May 11, 2007

Here's some pictures

To make up for lost time

Color focus..
Color focus ...
At the top of Dodger Stadium, where the ticket booths are.
This is as we were leaving Dodger Stadium, at the Elysian Park exit.

Once it got dark, you could really see the fire. By now, it had spread further south than it was before.
There were taken from Palmer Drive. Since it was dark, it was really hard to get any decent pictures. The fire had been burning for about eight to nine hours by now.

These were taken the next day, from the rooftop of the parking structure at the Glendale Galleria. May 9th, 2007.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

WOW, you got some AWESOME shots of this fire. I guess that fancy camera does come in pretty handy now don't it = )

How far away is the other fire from LA?